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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Baby Boomer: What Does Being An Entrepreneur Mean To You?

As an aspiring Baby Boomer Entrepreneur, you probably know what you want to be. However, it is interesting that what you want to be may be very different from what I want to be as an entrepreneur. In fact the definition and the implications of "entrepreneurship" have changed radically over the years. We may be on the brink of yet more changes.

Entrepreneur Magazine editor-in-chief Amy Cosper talks with Mondelez International vice president of global media Bonin Bough about what the word "entrepreneur" means today. Once the term conjured images of snake-oil purveyors and out-of-work scamsters. In the popular lexicon, entrepreneurs have become known as people who create businesses in markets where there were none before.
You can see the video at :

My favorite definition of entrepreneurship comes from the writing of Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson. He wrote it nearly 40 years ago. Forbes has called it "The Best Answer Ever".

Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.
Eric Schurenberg, editor-in-chief of INC. wrote a fascinating article about this definition. He makes several points:

  • Entrepreneurship is a process.
  • Entrepreneurs are used to making do without resources.
  • Opportunity is the only real resource you have.
You can read more at:

As we baby boomer entrepreneurs, face new life challenges, we have to find ways to do things without having control of resources. We have to make a way. We have to seize the OPPORTUNITY.

Cearmease Bey, my wife and an entrepreneur for many years, sums up the Entrepreneurial Mindset  in a word...GUTS.

What is The Next Step to YOUR Baby Boomer Business Dream?
Join our Smarter Small Business Blog for more insights: My Baby Boomer Business Dream

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Brought to you by Shallie Bey - Founder of Smarter Small Business Blog
-- The Business Dream Weaver

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1 comment:

pittsburgh business directory said...

great video..a great entrepreneur really knows best specially for the costumers..i do love reading your blog..great article