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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aspiring Baby Boomer Entrepreneur- Are You Frozen In Time?

Aspiring Baby Boomer Entrepreneur- Are You Frozen In Time?

Aspiring baby boomer entrepreneur, from where you stand it may seem that you are frozen in time, unable to see a bright future. But that is merely an illusion. You can build a future by having a business as the foundation for your encore career. The key is in developing your entrepreneurial mindset.

Your entrepreneurial mindset lets you see the world with a different set of eyes.

  • It lets you spot needs in a special way.
  • It lets you see opportunities in solving those needs.
  • It lets you plan solutions to realize those opportunities.
  • It helps you to execute your plan.
In this video, magician David Blane freezes himself in time, within a block of ice. He exposes himself to great risk and manages to survive. He saw a need for people to be entertained. He saw an opportunity to create a special way to address that need for entertainment. He developed a genius plan to deliver upon that need. He executed his plan. Not only did he survive, he added to his fame and fortune.

What will your entrepreneurial mindset do for you? Can it keep you from being frozen in time? 

What you should do next.

Please play the video and see how the magician got unfrozen. Then work on your own entrepreneurial mindset to create your own magic.

For more tips on developing your entrepreneurial mindset, join our free mailing list. Go to My Baby Boomer Business Dream.

Brought to you by Shallie Bey, Founder - Smarter Small Business Blog
 ~ The Business Dream Weaver

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Baby Boomer Can Your Mindset Beat 'Infant Entrepreneur Mortality'?

How to Reduce 'Infant Entrepreneur Mortality' - Sramana Mitra - Harvard Business Review:

Baby Boomer Can Your Mindset Beat "Infant Entrepreneur Mortality"?

Can the middle of society be taught the entrepreneurial mindset?

Most of the entrepreneurship that we hear about in the media is about companies being formed with massive growth rates through the assistance of "VCs", venture capital companies. This actually accounts for about 1% of start-up businesses. The other 99% do not meet the requirements of the 300 percent annual growth that is the target of these high flying business financing companies.

The high growth companies have access to some of the best of the consulting and coaching that comes with high growth business incubation support. Can this same knowledge be shared with the aspiring entrepreneurs who are not trying to build billion dollar companies? Can this knowledge be shared with entrepreneurs who can't afford to pay what the highest tier business developers must pay?

We need to use the fundamental principle of capitalism — the creation of value that people are willing to pay for — and apply it to the middle of the pyramid on a global scale. In other words, we need large numbers of entrepreneurs who are willing and able to build products and offer services that address demand from certain specific segments of customers. We need to teach them how to build businesses that can become sustainable — profitable — and create jobs. We need to also teach them to grow by applying the same kinds of methodology and discipline that, traditionally, a venture-funded company may use. -- Says Sramana Mitra in her Harvard Business Review blog post: How To Reduce 'Infant Entrepreneur Mortality'

What needs to be done?

The role of small businesses in creating jobs and growing economies is constantly discussed. What is not so commonly discussed is that 600,000 small businesses die each year in the U.S. alone. Mitra contends that the owners of these businesses can be taught to have their businesses become sustainable -- Profitable -- and to create jobs. She contends that it is a lack of understanding of the task that makes such tragic losses.

It is developing the entrepreneurial mindset that I call this training. For us aspiring baby boomer entrepreneurs, seeking to find our encore careers, we must have effective ways to develop that knowledge at a reasonable price.

The plus for us is that we live in the best of all times for learning at a low cost. As far as business is concerned, we can learn and be incubated over the internet. We can do research and build a brand over the internet. We can learn, as Mitra says, "...we digitally teach and incubate millions of online businesses over the next few decades". We baby boomer entrepreneurs can be the front line in this new battle.

Where do you begin?

Develop your entrepreneurial mindset. Mitra says start with the fundamentals, like:

Entrepreneurship = Customers + Revenue
Financing is optional
Exit is optional

If you would like more hints on developing your entrepreneurial mindset, join our free mailing list. Go to My Baby Boomer Business Dream


Brought to you by Shallie Bey - Founder, Smarter Small Business Blog
 ~ The Business Dream Weaver


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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Baby Boomer Entrepreneurial Mindset _ When Was the Last Time You Thought Something For the First Time?

Baby boomer, do you have the entrepreneurial mindset? You think so? Well, let me ask you John Maxwell's question:

When was the last time you thought something for the first time?
Among other things, success as an entrepreneur requires us to be curious. And how do we become curious? John Maxwell says "we have to think new thoughts":

What are new thoughts?
  • As opposed to old thoughts
  • As opposed to no thoughts
How do you get new thoughts?
  • By asking new questions
  • By being asked new questions
  • By having new experiences
  • By meeting new people
What do I do next?


Brought to you by Shallie Bey - Founder, Smarter Small Business Blog
  ~ The Business Dream Weaver

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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Baby Boomer Are You Ready To Take The Leap To An Entrepreneurial Mindset? (Encore Career)

Are you a baby boomer considering making the switch to an encore career? Are you possibly considering becoming an entrepreneur to build your bridge into your future? Do you have a baby boomer business dream? Then it is time to take the leap...

The leap involves embracing the entrepreneurial mindset. This excellent video gives you a visual sense of what it means to change your way of thinking.

It all begins with freeing your mind to think like an entrepreneur. We call that "having the entrepreneurial mindset".

If you would like more free resources on developing your entrepreneurial mindset, subscribe to the Smarter Small Business Blog. Click this link :My Baby Boomer Business Dream

Brought to you by Shallie Bey, Founder of the Smarter Small Business Blog
 ~ The Business Dream Weaver

Link to featured video: Produced by

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Baby Boomer: What Does Being An Entrepreneur Mean To You?

As an aspiring Baby Boomer Entrepreneur, you probably know what you want to be. However, it is interesting that what you want to be may be very different from what I want to be as an entrepreneur. In fact the definition and the implications of "entrepreneurship" have changed radically over the years. We may be on the brink of yet more changes.

Entrepreneur Magazine editor-in-chief Amy Cosper talks with Mondelez International vice president of global media Bonin Bough about what the word "entrepreneur" means today. Once the term conjured images of snake-oil purveyors and out-of-work scamsters. In the popular lexicon, entrepreneurs have become known as people who create businesses in markets where there were none before.
You can see the video at :

My favorite definition of entrepreneurship comes from the writing of Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson. He wrote it nearly 40 years ago. Forbes has called it "The Best Answer Ever".

Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.
Eric Schurenberg, editor-in-chief of INC. wrote a fascinating article about this definition. He makes several points:

  • Entrepreneurship is a process.
  • Entrepreneurs are used to making do without resources.
  • Opportunity is the only real resource you have.
You can read more at:

As we baby boomer entrepreneurs, face new life challenges, we have to find ways to do things without having control of resources. We have to make a way. We have to seize the OPPORTUNITY.

Cearmease Bey, my wife and an entrepreneur for many years, sums up the Entrepreneurial Mindset  in a word...GUTS.

What is The Next Step to YOUR Baby Boomer Business Dream?
Join our Smarter Small Business Blog for more insights: My Baby Boomer Business Dream

Get free resources to help build your Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Click this link:


Brought to you by Shallie Bey - Founder of Smarter Small Business Blog
-- The Business Dream Weaver

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